QR-Code: http://365-orte.land-der-ideen.de/netzwerke/agyle/agyle-netzwerk/cader

Die Jury 2024

  • Almuth Dörre
    Leitung strategische Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
    Agentur für Wirtschaft und Entwicklung (AWE)

  • Bezawit Eshetu
    Regionalkoordinatorin für Ostafrika
    ACEN Foundation

  • Amma Gyampo
    Co-Founder ScaleUp Africa und Impact Investing Ghana

  • Holger Lösch
    Stellv. Hauptgeschäftsführer
    BDI e.V.

  • Dr. Philipp Mehne
    Deutschland – Land der Ideen

  • Olaedo Osoka
    Daystar Power

  • Claus Stäcker
    Leiter des Programms für Afrika
    Deutsche Welle

AGYLE ist ein Programm der Agentur für Wirtschaft & Entwicklung (AWE) und Deutschland – Land der Ideen; die AWE wird gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) und getragen durch die GIZ und DEG Impulse.

Catherina Cader

Head of Off-Grid Systems at Reiner Lemoine Institut at Reiner Lemoine Institut gGmbH


Why do you think a programme like AGYLE is important?

Globalization has brought the world closer together. Today’s situation of the climate crisis and the required sustainable development for all are unprecedented challenges. To overcome those, I believe a program like AGYLE can offer great opportunities for joint solution development based on mutual understanding.

Catherina Cader is an expert in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and rural electrification planning; she has a PhD in Geography, as well as a degree in Environmental Management (B.Sc.). Catherina joined the Reiner Lemoine Institut in 2012 as a researcher; today she acts as co-head of the research unit Off-Grid Systems. Catherina has extensive knowledge in applying GIS-based methodologies for renewable energy and rural electrification planning in developing countries. Through field visits, stakeholder discussions and self-developed trainings on the use of GIS for rural electrification planning, Catherina gained great expertise on the political, geographical, economic, and technical challenges of local energy supply situations.

With her work, Catherina aims at strengthening the knowledge of potentials and usage of renewable energy. She gained experience as a project manager in several international projects and her work has taken her to various countries including Ghana, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zambia, Myanmar, Nepal and the Philippines. Catherina publishes in scientific journals and at conferences and acts as a reviewer for journals. Furthermore, she works as an evaluator and independent expert for funding agencies.
