QR-Code: http://365-orte.land-der-ideen.de/netzwerke/agyle/young-leaders-2024/abrhame-endrias-butta

Abrhame Endrias Butta

Managing Director, Green Agro Solution PLC


“I have a vision to build a reliable and sustainable partnership with like minded German based emerging companies to partner towards solving problems in Agriculture challenging smallholder farmers in Africa.“

Abrhame Endrias has more than 16 years professional experience in agribusiness and enthusiastically promoting “Lersha” a one stop digital solution allowing smallholder farmers to access farm inputs, mechanization service, dynamic advisory and facilitating access to finance. Abrhame works with multiple partners including MOA, ATI and implementation alliances in a circular economy practicing responsible leadership to unlock farmers access to service and finance leveraging it’s vast agent network across Ethiopia. Abrhame and his team are very passionate about entrepreneurship, digital finance inclusion, climate finance and last mile distribution. As AGYLE fellow, Abrhame envision to mentor and coach other young leaders to embrace circular economy in their strategy as well as operation.

Abrhame has MBA degree from Addis Ababa University and received business Leadership Certificate from Purdue University and others.
