QR-Code: http://365-orte.land-der-ideen.de/netzwerke/agyle/agyle-netzwerk/ahmed

Young Leaders 2023 aus Ghana, Ruanda, Senegal, and Tunesien

Young Leaders 2023 aus Deutschland

Young Leaders 2022 aus Äthiopien, Ghana, Ruanda and Tunesien

Young Leaders 2022 aus Deutschland

Young Leaders 2021 aus Äthiopien, Ghana and Ruanda

Young Leaders 2021 aus Deutschland

AGYLE ist ein Programm der Agentur für Wirtschaft & Entwicklung (AWE) und Deutschland – Land der Ideen; die AWE wird gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ) und getragen durch die GIZ und DEG Impulse.

Mohamed Dahy Ahmed

Managing Partner & Managing Director

Company: ecars & Impact Circles

"To connect we need to learn about each other and to do so we need to unlearn the limiting prejudices of old centuries. Africa is the country of opportunities. Let's build bridges towards Africa. Two-ways bridges of getting and giving, bridges that are cemented  on mutual-trust, guided by a sustainable consciousness and governed by bilateral-benefit mindset."

Dahy Ahmed is a venture architect, innovation consultant, and international development manager with a proven track record of founding and managing multiple impact-driven ventures. In 2016, he founded Helpu, a digital platform that assisted migrants in resettling in Europe during the migration crisis. Recently, he founded ecars, a platform that facilitates the international trade of electric vehicles between Europe and Africa. He is also the founder of Impact Circles, a consulting agency based in Berlin that aims to foster positive societal impact through SDG-guided, multi-disciplinary solutions. As global manager at Social Impact, he led international expansion activities by bridging innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystems between Germany and countries in Europe, Asia, and Africa. He consults businesses and business support organizations to design, fund, and implement entrepreneurial programs in Europe, Asia, and Africa. He works as an innovation venture consultant at the United Nations World Food Programme, leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence to impact millions of people positively.
